SMS Students and Parents,

I, along with the entire faculty and staff at SMS, take seriously our opportunity to invest in the lives of our students and the Sardis City community. Our school motto is “Expecting Excellence”, and we do our best to live up to this every day at SMS. Since our opening in 2015, public education and the rest of our society have experienced major changes. Change can be understandably scary, but at SMS we have embraced the challenges these changes bring and want to be a part of our students’ success stories in the few “middle years” they are with us. Our goal is to be good stewards of all entrusted to us in educating our students. Good stewards are called to be faithful, and this is a priority, as well as a challenge when dealing with our nearly 400 students each day. Acting in good faith, allowing our students opportunities to grow and succeed, even when this may require some struggle or difficulty, and helping set the framework so our students can experience success in whatever career and life path they may choose are lofty goals, but not beyond reach for us at SMS.

Welcome to the SMS family!


Chris Royal, SMS Principal